What's your email address?

Your information

Required fields are marked with an asterisk (*).
What is your first name? *
What is your last name? *
What is your mobile phone number? *
SMS/text messaging: By providing your mobile number and checking the box below, Russell Agricultural Society will be allowed to send you SMS (text) messages relating to their volunteer activities. To opt-out, reply STOP to any SMS message OR return to this form and uncheck the box.
Are you over the age of 18? *
What is your birthdate? *

A valid date as MM/DD/YYYY (for example: 11/30/2015)
Are you Smart Serve certified? *
What is your certification number?
Are there any allergies or conditions we should be aware of?
Emergency Contact (Name and Phone Number) *


Who is this registration for?

In respect to Volunteering at Russell Agricultural Society (RAS).

As a volunteer I fully understand and agree to the following:
• That I will not receive any remuneration, salary, wage, payment, or employee benefit whatsoever, or be covered by Workplace Safety and Insurance Board benefits.
• That I release RAS and its board, members, employees, agents, and assignees from any and all claims for personal injury and/or property damage that may arise from or be in any way connected to my participation as a volunteer for RAS, I understand that this release applies to both present and future injuries and that it is binding on heirs, executors, and administrators.
• All work must to be approved by RAS management.
• Any financial costs must be pre-approved by RAS management.
• RAS safety policies and procedures shall apply to all volunteers.
• No property of RAS shall be removed from Russell Agricultural Society unless a loan agreement has been signed by RAS Management and the Volunteer.

As a Russell Agricultural Society (RAS) Adult Volunteer:

• I will be prompt for my shift and conduct myself in a respectful manner, exhibit good conduct, and be a positive role model.

• I will display respect and courtesy for other employees, volunteers, program participants, visitors, clients, and property.

• I will provide a safe environment by not harming anyone in any way, whether through discrimination, sexual harassment, physical force, verbal or mental abuse, neglect, or other harmful actions.

• I will respect the privacy of persons served by the organization and hold in confidence sensitive, private, and personal information.

• I will keep Russell Agricultural Society staff informed of progress, concerns, and problems with the programs(s)/activities in which I participate. I will inform the supervisor if I am unable to make my assigned shift.

• I will work cooperatively as a team member with employees and other volunteers.

• I will keep personal opinions and actions separate from those made as a representative of this organization.

• I will avoid conduct, both on and off duty, which would jeopardize program effectiveness.

• I will not use vulgar or inappropriate language.

• I will not solicit gratuities, gifts, or bequest for personal or professional benefit.

• I will not use or be under the influence of illegal drugs or any legal substance that cause physical or cognitive impairment.

• I will not discriminate based on race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin, marital status, disability, or sexual orientation.

I authorize RAS the right to take pictures or videos that may be used in promotional materials including but not limited to newsletters, flyers, posters, social media, and the RAS website.

I have read and agree to abide by the statements for the Russell Agricultural Society (RAS) adult volunteer above.